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We love sharing photos of our eye patchers on social media.  The shared photo gives recognition to the eye patcher and encourages other little ones to wear their eye patch.  Send us your photo and receive a 20% discount code to use on your next Patch Pals order.

Monday, January 31 2022
Mickey Mouse Club

This is one of our favorite old photos.  This guy was such a champ with his eye patching therapy.  Adorable in his Mickey Mouse Poggle Patch.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:09 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 29 2022
Duckie Eye Check

This sweetie wore her Duckie eye patch to her doctor check up.  Things are looking great.  Way to go!!

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 07:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 28 2022
Loves Purple

This purple loving gal has this eye patching business down.  She is confident and happy to wear her eye patch.  She is definitely going to win the eye patching challenge.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 27 2022
Butterfly Lover

This Patch Pals Club member is wearing her Butterfly Poggle.  We wish her great success with her eye patching success.  Love that she likes her Patch Power awareness bracelet.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 24 2022
Patching in Pink

Patching a baby is very challenging, especially at the beginning.  Patching in small chunks seems to be effective.  Putting on patch on while they are in a highchair and keeping them entertained for 10-15 minutes or watching a fun show on TV or tablet are easy activities to do 3 or 4 times a day.  Build more sessions or add minutes to the sessions until you get to the required patching time the doctor prescribes.  This method is easier to manage.  Don't expect perfection, praise yourself for each minute of patching you accomplish with your baby.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 23 2022
Sparkling Quinn

Quinn is conquering this whole eye patching situation.  First, she selects awesome sparkling eyeglasses, she then tops them off with a rainbow Unicorn Eyeglass Eye Patch from Patch Pals.  We are very proud of her and hope she keeps up the good work.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 07:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 21 2022
Frog Lover

Every little boy loves a frog.  This guy selected our Frog Eyeglass Eye Patch and he looks fantastic!!

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:47 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 20 2022
Strawberry Smiles

Motivating an eye patcher to wear their eye patch is key in patching success.  This sweet girl selected Strawberry Shortcake on a sparkle pink Pocket Patch.   We provide comfortable and fun eye patches to keep kids motivated.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 19 2022
Dino Love

Many kids go through a phase when they love dinosaurs.  It is amazing how they can remember the long dinosaur names and recite them when asked to identify a dinosaur.  This little guy is no exception.  He looks great wearing his Dinosaur Eyeglass Eye Patch.  

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 18 2022
Batman Baby

It's very difficult to patch a young baby.  The best advice is to have a variety of eye patches available.  The Poggle Patch is a good alternative to the sticky patch since it does not hurt their fragile skin.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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