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We love sharing photos of our eye patchers on social media.  The shared photo gives recognition to the eye patcher and encourages other little ones to wear their eye patch.  Send us your photo and receive a 20% discount code to use on your next Patch Pals order.

Wednesday, May 05 2021
Day 1

"Day 1 of successful eye patching. Thanks to this Facebook group (For Little Eyes - a group for parents of young kids in glasses), we discovered Patch Pals  and are feeling so much better about this journey!" - J. Anderson

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 29 2021
Patching Adventure

"I just want to say thank you so much for such amazing patches. At about out 7 months old our daughter got diagnosed with some form of esotropia and the specialist wanted us to patch her eye until surgery. So I went straight to Amazon to look for the band aid patches, as that is what I had seen in the past and what the specialist recommended. I had even bought ones made for infants and were supposed to be sensitive, and well Let’s just say they were a pain in the butt and she would tear them off constantly and they would leave red marks around her eye for the next hour or so. When it finally came for her first surgery the Dr. realized she was allergic to adhesive. So then at her next follow up we learned the surgery wasn’t a complete success and we would need another surgery, and in the meantime we would have to patch again. Trying to patch again was an even worse nightmare this time around, and so I finally turned to google to find tips on better methods on how to patch my infant. I didn’t find to much helpful information for patching with infants however, that is when I discovered PatchPals and I bought one right away. Even though she still isn’t happy with the patch and still tries to pull it off often I am so thankful that it doesn’t leave a mark on her like the bandaids and I’m not going through 10 of them in just one hour of patching (especially when they aren’t so cheap and you go through them fast with and infant). 

After her 2nd surgery follow up now the Dr. believes she may have sixth nerve palsy and so now we will have to patch her eyes for possibly the next couples of years. Thanks to your patches I’m not worried about having to patch for so long and I will definitely be buying more for her. Thank you so much for such an amazing quality product!"

God Bless,

Angela Steele

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 27 2021
Problem Solved

"We got these eye patches and my son does so much better with these and his glasses.  Also- while patched we have him play with his toys and puzzles, sometimes outside play, while on his tablet, etc..."  - Diann T.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:56 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 01 2021

Hello, here is a photo of my daughter's "bedazzled" do it yourself design patch. Love, love, love your product. We've been ordering from you for 2 years.

Thank you, 

Allison Y.

Daughter 5/5/15

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 27 2021
Better Than The Sticky Ones!

Hello! We just received my son’s first cotton patch. He tried it on and says it’s so much more comfortable than the sticky ones! Yeah! It looks much nicer than other cloth patches I have tried, as well. Thanks so much!!  - Lisa F.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 20 2021
Successful Patching

I ran across your Instagram page today as I got to thinking about our son and when I ordered patches from you when he was 2 years old. He was also diagnosed with amblyopia and patching was the suggestion from his eye doctor.  They gave us the sticky adhesive patches and we both cried as they were so painful. I remember searching and searching for hours on the internet at nights trying to find alternatives to those patches when I found you!!! I remember talking to his doctor in Peoria, IL and he loved your patches and gave us the okay to use them.  I was so happy to see that you are still helping children today!  Our son is 13 years old now and can see 20/20 now with his glasses and the patching using your patches was a complete success.  He can see great, he’s a straight A student and my husband and I are so proud! So thank you SO much for the work you do and I know you are helping so many little kids and their families, you should be proud.  I have attached a picture of our little guy so you can see how great and healthy his eyes look.  I wish you continued success with your work, you are awesome!! 

- Mandy G.

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 01 2021
Hello 2021

2020 has been a difficult year with many challenges.  If you have an eye patcher at your home, eye patching is just another battle in your daily schedule.  Mask, eye patch, homeschool, social distancing, washing hands, etc.....  being a parent during this time is rough.  You've done your best and survived.  Today is the beginning of a new year, 2021, and things are looking a little brighter. New Year's Day traditionally has been the perfect time to organize our lives and start anew.  It's a chance to exercise more, eat healthy, and be kinder to those around us.  But after 2020, we need to be kind to ourselves, take a breath and focus on what needs to be done to stay safe and healthy.  And if you have an eye patcher, today is a good day to make new goals with their eye patching therapy.  If eye patching has been put on the back burner this past year then reboot your dedication to improving your child's vision.  Order a new eye patch that will excite your child and keep them motived.  Sit down with your child and download a new incentive calendardecide which rewards will be given when they meet their eye patching goals.  If your child is too young to understand, make a resolution for yourself to make eye patching a priority.  Eye patching works when you are committed to it, just like exercising, eating healthy, and being kind.  December 31st, 2021 will be a big day to celebrate when you can look at your child knowing that you helped improve their eye sight.  Enter our promo code Hello2021 for 21% off your entire order until the end of January. 

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 11 2020
Be Kind

This is Amy she's new here. She doesn't like having to patch because her right eye is blurry. But she is a trooper.

- Tiffany M.

We are very proud of Amy wearing her new eye patch. Plus we love the awesome t-shirt, BE KIND!

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 07 2020
Elmo Eye Patch

We strive to make eye patching easier for our little ones.  This guy matched his glasses with is eye patch and we added his favorite character Elmo to personalize it.  Eye patching can be fun.  Check it out

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 06:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 03 2020
Smiling Marshall

Our favorite part of making eye patches is when we receive a photo from a Happy Patcher.  Marshall is wearing our Marvel Hero Cotton Eye Patch.  He looks fantastic and most importantly he looks happy to be wearing his eye patch.  That's so important to successful eye patching therapy.  Finding an eye patch that the kids are willing to wear.  

Posted by: Patch Pals AT 05:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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